The Soviet Challenge
Players' Guide
Spectrum Holobyte


TETRIS was invented by a 30-year-old Soviet researcher
named Alexy Paszihtnov who currently works at the Computer
Centre (Academy Soft) of the USSR Academy of Scientists in
Moscow. The original programmer was 18-year-old Vagim
Gerasimov, a student studying Computer Informatics at
Moscow University.
TETRIS came into being through the joint efforts of Academy
Soft (Moscow), Andromeda Software, Ltd (London), and
Spectrum Holobyte (USA).

TETRIS will lure even the most seasoned hand into a
challenging game of speed and maneuvering. As the
four-square pieces tumble from the top of the screen into
an empty pit, it's up to you to rotate them into a position
which leaves no gaps in the layers at the bottom. Once
aligned, you can drop them into place and increase your

The tension escalates as you close the gaps in a layer
across the bottom of the pit and the line disappears. When
a set number of lines disappear, the four-square pieces
fall at a faster rate! There are nine levels (and
additional options) to continually challenge your mastery
of this perplexing game.

Enjoy the many features and options while trying to close
in on the solution of TETRIS, only to find it's just
outside your grasp! TETRIS is different every time you
play. We know you'll find it provocative, fun, and utterly


The IBM PC version of TETRIS runs on all IBM/TANDY PC
computers and 100% compatibles with (1) 360K disk drive and
DOS 2.1 or above. (256K RAM minumum required for the PC and
128K minimum for the PCjr.)


We feel that you won't be able to stay away from TETRIS for
too long! Therefore, we've created two different IBM
versions: standard and RAM-resident. You''ll find that the
only differences between them is the RAM-resident version
(1) doesn't display a new background picture when ascending
to a higher level and (2) will not save the high score to
diskette. The big advantage (or disadvantage if you need to
get your work done!) in using the RAM-resident version is
that you may load other programs after TETRIS. Our heavy
spreadsheet and database users here at Spectrum Holobyte
love this feature!

IBM PC standard Version:
Load DOS. Place the TETRIS disk in drive A. At the A>
prompt, type:
CTETRIS (if you have CGA)
CTETRIS H (if you have Hercules)
ETETRIS (if you have EGA)
TTETRIS (if you have a TANDY)
and press enter.

To install the RAM resident version:
You will need to tell TETRIS which display you intend to
use with the program you will be loading after RAM-resident
TETRIS. Also, in the following instructions, b represents a
number from 0-9 for selection of a background scene. (The
number in parentheses indicates the amount of RAM memory
used by TETRIS after loading.)

When initially loading the program (or any time at the DOS
prompt), you can select your favorite picture for display
as a background scene (default=5). Tere are ten pictures
(0-9) to choose from. Note: RAM-resident TETRIS is CGA
resolution only.

At the A> prompt, type in the command which best configures
your system: (Remember to press enter after the particular
- for CGA mode 320x200 4-color (53K): RTETRIS n
- for Hercules mode (86K):            RTETRIS H n
- for EGA you will need to type one of the following,
  according to your configuration:
 - 320x200 (86K)                    RTETRIS E0 n
 - 640x200 (118K):                  RTETRIS E1 n
 - 640x350 (182K):                  RTETRIS E2 n
 - for any higher resolution (310K):RTETRIS E n
- To exit the RAM-resident version of TETRIS, press
- To remove RAM-resident TETRIS from memory, type
Note: You are able to remove TETRIS from memory only when
all other RAM-resident porgrams have been removed.


After loading TETRIS and the title screen comes up, you may
hit any key to continue to the selection screen.

This board sets the speed at which four-square pieces fall
from tge top of the screen. You can skip to any level of
difficulty from 0-9.

- to select level use cursor arrows on keypad
- press enter or spacebar to confirm selection and continue
to HEIGHT selection.

You normally start the game with an empty pit or 0 on the
height menu. To increase the challenge in TETRIS, you can
raise the height from the bottom by selecting one of the
other numbers in the hieght menu. For instance, if you
select 7 you will find seven randomly filled layers when
you reach the play screen.

You may challenge someone else with the same configuration
which you just played by selecting the << (rewind) symbol
on the HEIGHT menu. This will give you the same block
placement from the previous game.

- to select height use cursor arrows on keypad or type
  number on keyboard
- press enter or spacebar to confirm selection and continue
  to the game

To play:

There are two methods by which deft finger can naveuver the
four-square pieces into place:

The numeric keypador use these keys
4 = move left                J = move left
6 = move right               L = move right
5 = rotate                   K = rotate
8 = speed up                 I = speed up
2 = drop                     ,(comma) = drop

                   and also, SPACEBAR = drop

If you have a joystick:

Pressing the stick handle to the right will move the piece
to the right, left moves it left. Hitting the fire button
rotates the piece and pulling the stick handle toward you
drops it.

- The faster a four-square piece comes to rest in the pit,
the more points you accrue. After aligning the pieces, you
can "drop" them into place by hitting the designated key.
- The higher the starting layers in the pit, the more
points you get.
The display on upper left portion of the screen:
Score: total score of game in progress
Lines: total number of lines elimintaed during game in
- after a set number of lines are eliminated, the speed
will automatically increase as you go to the next level.
Next: displays the next piece which will fall
- to activate press the number 1 on the numeric keypad or
the letter M.

Function Keys:
F1: displays Help Menu
F2: displays Statistics - the frequency with which any
particular configuration of squares has fallen during a
F3: displays present game level
F4: background screen description of game in progress

S =Sound On/Off
P =Pause On/Off
ESC = "Boss Key" work simulation (spreadsheet)/ resume
action (ESC also exits program from RAM-resident version)

Miscellaneous commands:
R = reset high scores (activated from Selection Screen
Q = quit game

We wish you the best of skill in your many games of TETRIS
                        to come!
